Have you considered....

Addiction Recovery & Reiki

First of all, I want to say that the way that addiction affects an individual can vary dramatically depending on the substance they were abusing, the length of time they were abusing it, their personal history, and a variety of other factors. Due to this, the treatment for addiction must be personalised to meet the needs of that particular individual because not everyone will respond in the same manner to traditional forms of therapy.

Tools just for you!

Have a look at the list opposite and locate where you fit in. Are you the person in addiction recovery?, are you looking for tools to get to that point? or maybe you are a friend/family member that wants a deeper understanding of what they are going through. These cards are going to be a tool that everybody can work with and they will fit into a group or an individual setting. If you are somebody who works or volunteers in the recovery sector then you will want to have a set of cards for yourself or a few for your organisation.

Can you identify with any of the listed...
  • I am in recovery
  • I know a friend in recovery
  • I know a family member in recovery
  • I work in the addiction recovery sector
  • I would like help to stay sober
  • I am struggling on my own

You do not have to do this alone..

First of all, I want to say that the way that addiction affects an individual can vary dramatically depending on the substance they were abusing, the length of time they were abusing it, their personal history, and a variety of other factors. Due to this, the treatment for addiction must be personalised to meet the needs of that particular individual because not everyone will respond in the same manner to traditional forms of therapy.

For some individuals, talking about their substance abuse problems within a group or individual setting may be overwhelming in the beginning and it may actually be counterproductive towards their ability to overcome their addiction. When this is the case, those treating substance abuse issues must look outside the traditional realm of treatment in order to find a solution that works for that particular individual.

One such form of treatment that is being employed successfully in the treatment of substance abuse is Reiki therapy

To many people, Reiki therapy seems like something out of a movie, as it involves healing through energy rather than through traditional Western medicine and psychology.
They view it as 'Hocus Pocus' (one of my favourite movies by the way) and nothing more than new-age spiritual nonsense, or another of my favourite words 'WOO WOO' - but the reality of Reiki therapy couldn’t be further from the truth.

Anyone who has participated in Reiki therapy can attest to the benefits that it offers and for those who are attempting to get sober from drugs and alcohol, the practice can have wondrous results.

What is Reiki?
Reiki therapy is a complementary treatment method for (in this case) substance abuse that has been around for over a hundred years. However, the mainstream media has failed to increase awareness of it, and in many cases has lumped it with other pseudo-sciences. For those who feel there is no hope for a lifestyle that doesn’t involve substance abuse, Reiki is an option that should be considered.

  • Energy in the mind and body — mostly the mind — directly influences a person’s ability to make smarter choices. For people with substance abuse issues, it is imperative that these energy levels are well maintained. With moderate to high levels of life energy, negative thoughts and depression can be immensely reduced, which will lower the likelihood of relapse.
  • Reiki Provides A Natural Alternative To Drugs And Alcohol - There’s no denying that recovery can be a roller coaster of emotions and feelings. This is particularly true in early sobriety when an individual is attempting to learn how to live life and process their thoughts without the aid of mood or mind-altering substances. When integrating Reiki into one’s life, this roller coaster ride can slow down. The ups become much more enjoyable, and the downs become easier to overcome. Relapses are less likely to take place, and if they do, Reiki serves as a balancing factor to pull the person back into a sober lifestyle.
  • When a Reiki therapy session takes place, energy is transferred from one person to another. The energy itself is believed to come from a 'Higher Power', with me using my palms as a medium for the transfer. Benefits accompanied with this type of treatment are often enjoyed after a single session. When energy is transferred to the person battling addiction, the mind and body both will go into a self-healing mode. The immune system will operate at its full potential to alleviate any withdrawal symptoms and fight off illness.
  • Reiki also leads to deep states of relaxation, allowing stress and tension to be filtered out, which is very useful for people who are just getting sober. Other notable benefits include improvements in confidence and self-esteem, enabling people with substance abuse issues to see their true calling and purpose in life.
  • As energy is increased, higher levels of creativity and memory recall will also be enjoyed. Numerous people have even reported that their aging process slowed down. A true cleansing of the mind and body should start with improving energy levels as this helps ensure the mental and physical side effects of withdrawal are reduced, and Reiki can accomplish this goal. It can result in a life that many addicts have long been searching for.

Early recovery solution without the need for more stimulants

Those in early recovery will often stay clean for several days, only to fall back into active addiction. Low levels of energy are considered to be one of the motivating factors of this relapse, especially for those suffering from depression or other mental health disorders. With Reiki therapy, co-occurring mental health disorders can be treated simultaneously with substance abuse, improving both conditions at the same time.

Are Reiki treatment sessions painful?

Reiki sessions can be continued for as long as a person needs them, and not only are they completely painless, but they can be performed remotely as well. It is a treatment method that is extensively growing in popularity.

Recognition of its effectiveness has led hospice facilities, nursing homes, and other healthcare providers to accept the benefits of Reiki and offer sessions for multiple purposes, including pain management and various types of mental health issues.

❓Are you looking for a way to overcome your addiction issues?
❓Have you already been to rehab and even though you know all of the recovery tools, you just can’t seem to live a life without drugs and alcohol?

No matter what phase of development you currently are in, creating a life not centered around addiction is possible.

  • past trauma issues,
  • mental health illnesses,
  • relationship issues,
  • loneliness,
  • loss of pleasure,
  • inability to speak about how you feel … all of these factors are core to who you are.

These struggles must be addressed and overcome, but that doesn’t mean you have to fight them with no energy. Reiki can be your winning weapon. You can use the energy to move forward in life instead of focusing on the past.  


If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction - Daniel & Jacqui are here to help.  Apart from the Addiction Recovery Affirmation CardsJacqui offers Reiki therapy and other therapeutic programs including Essential Oils, Crystals, Meditation.

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